- sufi
- Iсущ.1. суфи, суфий2. аскет, отшельникIIприл.1. мистический2. аскетический
Azərbaycanca-rusca lüğət. Dörd cilddə. Bakı, “Şərq-Qərb”. M.T.Tağıyev . 2006.
Azərbaycanca-rusca lüğət. Dörd cilddə. Bakı, “Şərq-Qərb”. M.T.Tağıyev . 2006.
sufi — sufi … Dictionnaire des rimes
Sufi — member of a Muslim mystical order, 1650s (earlier Sufian, 1580s), from Arabic sufi, lit. man of wool (i.e., man wearing woolen garments ), from suf wool. So called from the habit of putting on the holy garment (labs as suf) to devote oneself to… … Etymology dictionary
sufí — (plural sufíes o sufís sufíes o sufís) adjetivo 1. Del sufismo: misticismo sufí. adjetivo,sustantivo masculino y femenino 1. Que es … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
sufí — (Del ár. ṣūfī, der. de ṣūf, lana, por ser de ella sus hábitos). adj. Partidario del sufismo. U. t. c. s.) … Diccionario de la lengua española
Sufi — [so͞o′fē] n. [Ar ṣūfī, ascetic, lit., (a man) of wool < ṣūf, wool] a Muslim following the teachings and traditions of an ancient form of Islamic mysticism Sufism [so͞o′fiz΄əm] n … English World dictionary
Sufi — Su fi, n. [From the name of a dynasty of Persian kings, Saf[=i], Safav[=i]; said to come from name Saf[=i] ud d[=i]n of an ancestor of the family, confused with s?f[=i] pious.] A title or surname of the king of Persia. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sufi — Su fi, n. [Ar. & Per. s?f[=i], wise, pious, devout.] One of a certain order of religious men in Persia. [Written also {sofi}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sûfi — Sûfi, s. Sufismus … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
sufi — s. m. 1. Quantidade bastante. 2. Aptidão suficiente; habilidade … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Sufi — /ˈsufi/ (say soohfee) noun (plural Sufis) a follower of an ascetic and mystical tradition within Islam. {Arabic çūfī man of wool, probably with reference to the woollen garments worn} …
Sufi — Der Sufismus (arabisch تصوف tasawwuf, DMG taṣauwuf, persisch عرفان, Erfan), veraltet auch Sufitum oder Sufik, gilt allgemein als die islamische Mystik. Die Anhänger des Sufismus sehen ihre Lehre nicht als ein spirituelles Produkt der… … Deutsch Wikipedia